Ccc idrive repair
Ccc idrive repair

If your problem is in the CCC brain itself (which is not the display) then you need to sort that first. The thing is the CCC display is only a display, a cheap one at that. A replacement android top screen will "apparently" solve my problems and be a better system, does anyone have any experience with this? Thanks in advance for any advice. Has anyone had any experience getting a ccc fixed or fixed there own or found an alternative. Repairs appear to be very expensive for these. Iv had the car since last year and it was fine until today. I removed this component and found that it had been tampered with in the past, as the stickers had been cut for easy dismantling and it had new "warrantee void if removed" stickers on. For those who don't know the ccc is the control unit behind the dash, below the heater control buttons. The most likely cause apparently is a fault with my ccc. Google told me about lots of places that can be plagued by sitting water (especially in countries with crappy weather) (am in UK) but I'm all good. Basically nothing in the system is working. Its not just a black screen, the radio, the cd, the sat nav, the aux, the control knob. I'd also recommend using the supplied GPS antenna from the get go also, I had nothing but aggro with the splitter feed from my 'shark fin'.it just seemed very temperamental.My idrive died today.

ccc idrive repair

Also if you want to hear the Android sat nav voices while using the CCC AM/FM then you'll need to fit the silly external speaker under the dash or something too. If you intend to use the bluetooth hands free you will need to install the external mic. It's important to keep in mind that a working CCC *is* needed for the system to work. they still work but you need to go back to the CCC system to set channels etc. The only thing that doesn't really integrate well is AM/FM radio.

ccc idrive repair

The CCC display just presents on the new screen, button and wheel work to navigate on both the CCC screens and the Android screens if you want to use that (touch screen is easier). If you go down this route then make sure you get an Android 10+ unit with min 4GB RAM and an external microphone is recommended. There are many brands, they're all clones. I have an Avin USA 10.25" dash-top unit:  and yes, for my E87.

Ccc idrive repair